Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vioxx Lawsuit

So what is Vioxx, and why is there a lawsuit? Vioxx is used to treat arthritis and the pain symptoms it causes. There is a lawsuit against it's maker, Merck, because it has been shown to cause an increase of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes. So why is this such a high-priced keyword? Well, like with the mesothelioma/asbestos lawsuits, lawyers want to file class-action suits that attract huge verdicts in their favor, netting them a nice cut. More clients make for a bigger class-action suit, which means more money for them. It may cost them $200 to get a new client for their class-action suit, but having that client may increase the verdict by $1 million, which may mean $100,000 or more in their pockets. The lawyers rule the world, we just live here.

This page of Vioxx Lawsuit information is intended to show you why it is a high paying keyword, so you might be able to understand what you'll need to know to make a website centered around it. Other sites just give you a list, I am just trying to explain why each keyword is on those lists. I do not claim to be a Vioxx Lawsuit expert, and I encourage you to do your own research. The price for each keyword comes from a variety of high paying keyword lists, and I do not guarantee it is accurate at the time of your visit. It is the average price paid to get that keyword listed in the advertisers results. It is not the price that adsense pays per click. That price fluctuates and is against their terms to disclose.

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