Thursday, October 28, 2010

Successful Weight-loss Pointers

  1. As mentioned above ease into your new eating plans, gradually eliminate forbidden foods from diet. As far as exercise is concern give yourself plenty of time to build your endurance, don't attempt to workout for two hours the first day and you've been sedentary for twenty years.
  2. Set goals that are short term. Instead of setting a long-term goal to lose forty pounds this year, lose four pounds a month.
  3. When you feel anxious and desperate to reach your goal in a hurry remind yourself of past day,week, or month's progress. Losing alot of weight in a hurry leaves little time to adjust lifestyle habits for long-term success.
  4. If you're not able to reach your goals alone join a support group that reflects you. Stop by and peruse their categories of health and fitness surely you'll find a list for a individual like yourself.
  5. Have hobbies and other outside interests so you're sure to get a mental break from your goal. Thinking to much about having to lose forty pounds can depress even the most enthusiastic of persons.
  6. Don't be afraid to take time out of your day to relax your nerves and do nothing but enjoy that moment.
  7. Use you imagination to see yourself after reaching your goal. The more vivid the mind picture the better, doing this will enlist the aid of the subconscious. It has been said that our goals are 10% actual work and 90% mental. So don't be afraid to be child-like in using your imagination to help you reach your goals without sweat and strain.
Always remember, "What the mind can conceive it can achieve!"

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